Piloting the Research Fleet Approach in the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery
It is well documented that there are seasonal and spatially dependent changes in scallop meat yield, quality, and reproductive status. A better understanding of these changes can be used to more accurately estimate yield from the fishery over the course of a year, and aid in attempts to link spawning and settlement. The Northeast Fisheries Observer Program collects catch and effort data year-round but does not provide data on individual scallops, which is needed to fill these gaps. This project will pilot the Research Fleet approach in the Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery. The approach engages and utilizes fishermen to collect the missing data key to improving the annual harvest allocation and stock.
Project goals:
To develop and initiate protocols for equipping scallopers to collect biological data on individual scallops in a near real-time, targeted, scientific way to support fisheries management and stock assessment.
Evaluate if this Research fleet is practical to bolster fishery-dependent data sources available for use by management and assessment efforts in the scallop fishery.
Project team:
N. David Bethoney, PhD, Executive Director, CFRF
Katie Viducic, Research Biologist, CFRF
Participating Vessels
F/V Yankee Pride, Point Judith
F/V Georges Banks, New Bedford
F/V Clean Sweep, Provincetown
F/V Nemesis, Harwichport
F/V Northern Light, Portland
F/V Glutton, Provincetown
Presentations and Reports
2022 Scallop Research Share Day Report
2022 Scallop Research Share Day Presentation
2023 Scallop Research Share Day Report
2023 Scallop Research Share Day Presentation
Project Funding:
NOAA Fisheries 2021 Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside