Revolution Wind Ventless Trap Survey

Purpose of work

The purpose of this study is to gather information about the population, movement, and habitat usage of lobsters and Jonah crabs in the lease area where the Revolution Wind Farm is being constructed. The survey will be conducted before, during, and after the building of the wind farm to determine whether the construction impacts these species.

Sampling is carried out twice a month from May to November each year at 16 survey stations. Each trawl includes 10 traps, consisting of 6 ventless traps and 4 standard traps. The survey collects biological data on lobsters, Jonah crabs, and all bycatch species.

Project Team

  • Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation

  • Collaborators

    • Kevin Stokesbury, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology

    • Gregory Lisi, F/V Amelia Anne

    • Brian Thibeault, F/V Ashley Ann II

Participant Vessels

  • F/V Amelia Anne, Point Judith, RI

  • F/V Ashley Anne II, Point Judith, RI

Survey Dates

The pre-construction survey began in May 2023, with sampling occurring twice per month in each of the two survey areas from May through November. The same sampling design will be followed for the construction and post-construction phases of the RWF development.

Data Updates:


Year 1:

Read the Year 1 report here.

This project is supported by: