Development of a Fishermen-Based Research Fleet to Contribute to the Management of Quahog
(Mercenaria mercenaria) Resources in Rhode Island Waters
Quahogs sampled
(August 1, 2016 - January 31, 2019)
General Description:
The primary goal of this pilot project was to initiate a new era of cooperation and communication among fishermen, scientists, and resource managers to support a successful, sustainable, transparent, and collaborative management approach for the quahog fishery in Narragansett Bay.
Project data collection ended in January 2019 and a final project summary report was submitted in March 2019. Click HERE to view the final report.
The project objectives included:
Establishing a Quahog Research Fleet with the knowledge, tools and validity to contribute to the RI-DEM quahog stock assessment data collection program;
Reduce uncertainties in the quahog stock assessment and promote sustainable management of the quahog resource by addressing spatial and temporal data limitations;
Develop a model for industry-based data collection that can be duplicated in other fisheries and regions;
Build capacity to involve RI shellfishermen in coastal monitoring and other types of marine research.
Project Team:
Anna Malek Mercer, CFRF
Thomas Heimann, CFRF
Dale Leavitt, RWU
Conor McManus, RI DEM
Participant Shellfishermen:
Bo Christensen- Warwick Cove, RI
David Ghigliotty- Warwick, RI
Gerald Schey- Warwick Cove, RI
Jarrod Goulart- Warren, RI
Ernest Wilcox- Wickford, RI
Project methods were centered around three major work components:
Organize, train, and implement a Quahog Research Fleet to collect biological quahog data via bullrake sampling, focusing on areas that were inaccessible to the RI DEM hydraulic dredge survey;
Calibrate the catch efficiency of bullrake sampling and the RI DEM hydraulic dredge survey via in-situ SCUBA observations to allow for direct integration of Quahog Research Fleet data with the dredge survey time series;
Analyze and apply project data to the quahog stock assessment; and
Develop a mechanism for Quahog Research Fleet participants to be involved in RI DEM quahog stock assessment efforts
Project Timeline :
February- July 2016: Equipment and protocol preparation, development of data collection app, and data management system
April 2016: Establishment of Project Steering Committee
April - July 2016: Solicitation, review and selection of Quahog Research Fleet participants
August 2016: Training of Quahog Research Fleet participants
September 2016- December 2018: Quahog Research Fleet data collection
This project was supported by:
PRoject PhOTOS: