Announcing the Norbert Stamps SNEC Science Meeting Student Travel Award

We are proud to announce a new travel award to support a student to attend and present at the Southern New England Chapter (SNEC) of the American Fisheries Society Science Meetings. To fulfill our education mission, the CFRF supports research that involves students and the fishing community. This award provides $500 to facilitate the presentation of this type of research at the SNEC Summer Science Meeting by a deserving graduate or undergraduate student.

The 2024 SNEC Summer Science Meeting is on June 11th, 2024, at the University of Rhode Island Bay Campus. Learn more here.

Qualifications and Application Instructions


  • Student Member of SNEC

  • Oral or poster presentation of research at SNEC Summer Science Meeting

    • Payment will be made after meeting attendance unless a candidate expresses the need for the funds in advance to attend the meeting.  

  • Have not previously received this award

Application Instructions
Applications for the award should be submitted via email by May 31st to the SNEC Education Committee Chair, Tracy Maynard, at Please include in your application:

  1. Contact information

  2. Presentation or Poster Abstract, following the SNEC guidelines

  3. A brief statement of qualification 

  4. A letter of support from an academic advisor or supervisor

A committee of CFRF and SNEC Education Committee members will review applications and select the award recipient. 

About Norbert Stamps

We are proud to dedicate this award to Norbert Stamps. Norbert Stamps was an incredible captain and a strong advocate of collaborative research. He loved meeting new people, making connections, finding common ground, and especially making people laugh. He was Vice President of the Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen’s Association and a long-time Board member of the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation. He was a founding member of the Research Foundation’s Lobster-Jonah Crab and Shelf Research Fleets. This award captures Norbert’s memory by giving a student engaging in collaborative research a chance to make new connections.