Planned Giving is a strategy to maximize your philanthropic goals. Through careful planning and the use of alternative giving methods, you can enjoy significant tax savings, turn appreciated assets into a secure income stream, provide for loved ones, and make a larger gift to the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation than you might have thought possible.

The most common form of planned giving is a bequest. This vehicle costs you nothing during your lifetime, instead transferring cash, securities, real estate or other property to the CFRF from your estate. Planning for a bequest is as simple as adding language to your will.

Sample: I hereby give to the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation (a RI private nonprofit foundation) [description of asset] to be used for its general purposes.

Need Assistance? Please contact Teresa Winneg, CFRF Business Manager, at twinneg@cfrfoundation.org or (401) 515-4890.



Confidentiality:  All information about donors and prospective donors, including but not limited to their names and the nature and amounts of their gifts will be kept strictly confidential by the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation and its representatives, unless the donor expressly grants permission to release such information.  All requests by donors for anonymity will be honored, except to the extent that the CFRF is legally required to disclose the identity of donors.