RI Senate Resolution Recognizes Fishing Industry

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The CFRF is pleased to share that the State of Rhode Island General Assembly recently passed a Senate Resolution that recognizes the value of Rhode Island’s fishing industry, as hard-working harvesters and processors of seafood and drivers of the state’s work force and economy. The resolution, titled “Expressing Appreciation and Support for all Rhode Island Fishers and the Rhode Island Commercial Fishing Industry” is a well-deserved acknowledgement of the men and women who risk their lives on the North Atlantic and navigate a complex and conservative regulatory environment to bring premier, sustainable seafood to the mouths of millions.

The Resolution states that “As a result of this turmoil in their industry, our fishers know how to engage in the complex issues and policymaking processes that impact their businesses. They protect our community and ocean environment, and promote and market local seafood, and pilot sustainable fishing practices.” The Resolution goes on to state that “Rhode Island’s fishing and seafood industry is a crucial component of what makes us the Ocean State. Now, therefore, be it resolved, that this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations hereby expresses its sincerest admiration and appreciation and utmost respect for all Rhode Island fishers and the Rhode Island commercial fishing industry.”

The CFRF is grateful to Senators Sosnowski, McCaffrey, Sheehan, Euer, and Algiere, who introduced the resolution. And, more, to the thousands of individuals in Rhode Island that play a role in the fishing and seafood industry. We are honored to work alongside all of you to ensure a bright future for this industry and the ocean environment that it relies upon.

To view the Senate Resolution in its entirety, please visit www.cfrfoundation.org/news-releases .