Revolution and Sunrise Wind Trawl Survey
Purpose of work
This survey is a collaboration between the CFRF, the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology, and local fishermen. The survey is designed to assess the seasonal abundance, distribution, and population structure of fish in the Revolution and Sunrise Wind lease areas prior to the construction of the Revolution Wind Farm and Sunrise Wind Farm. Sampling is conducted using a demersal otter trawl once per season in the lease areas as well as two reference areas.
Project Team
Photo courtesy of Keith Hankowsky
Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation
Ruby Dener - CFRF Project Lead
Lizzy Soranno
N. David Bethoney
UMass Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology
Pingguo He
Christopher Rillihan
Keith Hankowsky
Participant Vessels
F/V Heather Lynn, Point Judith, RI
This pre-construction survey began in August 2023 and will take place over the course of two years (2023-2024) with sampling occurring once per season.
The demersal otter trawl net was designed to be consistent with other regional surveys, including the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s NEAMAP survey.
Data Recorded
Station Information: Location and depth (start and end), tow speed, date, and time
Environmental Data: Wind speed and direction, sea state, cloud cover, and bottom temperature
Catch Data: Species diversity (number and biomass of each species) and aggregated weight per species group; Individual length and weight; Sub-sampling of large catches of abundant species
Biological Sampling: Stomach contents, sex, and maturity stage from select species