YOU’RE INVITED! Discussing Unusual Ocean Conditions with WHOI Scientists 4/18 2PM

Unusual Ocean Conditions in Southern New England:  Insights from the Pioneer Array and Shelf Research Fleet

What: Hurricanes, nor’easters, warm core rings, reverse flow, cold water intrusions … the ocean was especially dynamic in 2017 and 2018 and there are many questions about how the fisheries resources off the Southern New England coast have responded. CFRF staff, together with our partners at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), will be hosting an interactive workshop for the fishing industry to learn about the historic and current oceanographic conditions in Southern New England, discuss how fisheries resources are responding, and develop predictions for the summer months to come. Dr. Glen Gawarkiewicz and Dr. Al Plueddemann from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will share a summary of the oceanographic data collected by the CFRF/WHOI Shelf Research Fleet and provide an update on the Ocean Observatories Initiative’s Pioneer Array.

The Pioneer Array is operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and includes a network of moorings and autonomous robotic vehicles that are programmed to monitor waters off the continental shelf and slope south of New England. It provides information on the structure of the shelf break front, nutrient exchange between shelf and slope, continental shelf ecosystems, and carbon dioxide flux and ocean acidification. Join us to learn more!

When: Wednesday, April 18th, 2-4pm

Where: The conference room of the Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island (#61 B on the East Farm Campus of the University of Rhode Island)

RSVP: to Aubrey Ellertson ( or 401-515-4892) so we can make sure we have enough seats. Space at the CFC conference room is limited.

Call-in Instructions: United States: +1 (872) 240-3212 .  Access Code: 571-692-085

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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Note: This workshop is intended for members of the fishing community whose contributions are critical to connecting the dots between the environmental conditions across Southern New England and key fisheries resources. We hope that you all will share your observations about the distribution of fish, squid, crustaceans, and shellfish that you have encountered over the past year. Your contributions are critical to this discussion, so we hope you can make it!
